Candi Andcompany

Gardening Basics



Join Candi and Teresa as they talk bout the basics of gardening. Teresa will be out in her garden broadcasting live. The idea of backyard gardening is nothing new, but people are finally getting back to the idea that we need to grow our own food. With GMO's and pesiticides running rampant across America people want a healthier choice in their food supply. One way is to grow your own. In the past people thought you had to have a lot of land to grow your own food. Most families are smaller than they were a few decades ago and will be able to plant small gardens in their backyards, porches, or balconies. You can use boxes, large pots, old barrels and many other containers to grow a garden. You can also grow gardens using tubing, and water, no soil needed. Sustainable gardening is possible for everyone.