Masters Series

Growth Hack Your Startup With Data



Data is the key to modern business and there's so much of it about that the challenge is less about how to get it and more about how to process it all. Gary Tramer is the Co-Founder of LeadChat who are responsible for those little pop-up boxes on websites that ask if you need any help. Gary explains that he's now taking his experience with data in e-commerce and applying it to bricks and mortar retail - to provide more information about physical shoppers when they walk into a store. Simon Mathonnet is Head of Digital Strategy at Splashbox. He's obsessed with data and digital marketing. Simon shares how he uses data to help startups and long-running businesses to achieve their goals.  Masters Series puts industry professionals in front of a room full of startups and entrepreneurs to share their experience and secrets to success. Thank you to Jahzzar for the music. Masters Series is presented by WeTeachMe. The Masters Series podcast is produced by Written & Recorded. The views expressed by the con