Humanity Tribe

E009 HOPE Worldwide - Shane Engel



Interview with Chief Communications Officer Shane Engel HOPE worldwide’s vision is to bring hope and change the lives of the world’s most poor, sick and suffering. HOPE worldwide is an international charity that changes lives through the compassion and commitment of dedicated staff and volunteers to deliver sustainable, high-impact, community-based services to the poor and needy. HOPE worldwide was founded in 1991 in response to the call of the Scriptures to serve the poor, sick and suffering throughout the world. The organization began with just three small programs dedicated to bringing hope to vulnerable communities. In Abidjan, Ivory Coast, HOPE worldwide established an HIV/AIDS clinic to meet the critical health needs of a country plagued with disease. A medical clinic in Mexico City, Mexico provided treatment for children without access to quality healthcare. Children were also the focus of educational outreach programs in Bangalore, India. In collaboration with the International Churches of Christ, HOP