Telling Tales

Write On! Meredith



Meredith shares what she wishes people knew about mental illness and insight into her own personal journey of living with a mental illness.  Mental Health Connecticut (MHC) is helping emerging writers find their voice and write their truth. MHC works with young adult writers, ages 18-29, who are diagnosed with a mental health condition and/or substance use disorder (or who have experienced trauma and live with mental health and/or substance use challenges), and who want to become powerful storytellers and self-advocates. Participants will advance their writing skills, learn how to use writing as a healing mechanism, and educate the community on the realities of living with trauma and/or a mental health diagnosis. Writers also work with the award-winning team at Sea Tea Improv to gain confidence and improve public speaking skills. The following story is told by Meredith, a writer and mental health advocate from MHC's Write On! program. This story is raw, personal, and may contain language not suitable for