Transform With Dr. Maggie Yu

Case Study: Crohns and MS. Thanks for giving me my wife back – Love, Autoimmune Husband



Dr. Maggie Yu provides an eight-week online coaching program to transform autoimmune disease naturally, and Alisa is a recent graduate from that program. She is here today to talk about where she was before starting the program, what her outcomes have been, and what the process was like through this journey. Alisa introduces herself as a 41-year-old married mother of two kids. She started her health journey in 2002 when she was diagnosed with MS. It was a big shock, but thankfully, her symptoms were minimal. However, in 2005, Alisa was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease which was a big struggle for her. In the fall of last year, her doctors were recommending a bowel resection to avoid having to do an emergency one later. Alisa quickly agreed to the surgery and was expecting the outcome to be dramatic and life-changing, but it didn’t turn out how she had expected. Alisa talks about the struggle of her recovery and how it affected everything in her life. She did research and decided she needed something outside-the