Transform With Dr. Maggie Yu

Who Am I to Be Healthy in Autoimmune? From a Nurse Practitioner



Today Dr. Maggie Yu interviews Robin, a healthcare provider who has had a journey with autoimmune disease. Robin is a nurse practitioner working in newborn intensive care with premature and sick babies. Her autoimmune journey started fifteen years ago, and it knocked her flat on her back. Through the years, Robin has slowly recovered her functions and noticed she needed a lot of mindset and spiritual work to complete her journey. In her late thirties, Robin experienced all the signs and symptoms of menopause. She had no idea this was possible at such a young age. With all these drastic changes, Robin wanted help to get back to her old self. After three years of these symptoms, Robin looked toward eastern medicine and eventually had her own functional medicine doctor. What is normal anyway? What we are taught is normal has nothing to do with what is optimal for human function. The way we are training doctors, the idea of optimal functions is wholly lost. Normal is not optimal! “Normal” is when fifty per