Veronica And The Volcano

13: The Torch



Veronica’s dad reeled in another good-sized trout from the pale blue waters. He called for the girls, but they did not answer. “Hey Captain,” he said. “Have you seen them?” The Captain looked around, checked his watch, then stared into the not-quite dark. “They could be anywhere.” “Veronica! Maddy! Veronica! Maddy!” the two fathers called in every direction. “VERONICA! MADDY!” But Veronica and Maddy could not hear their fathers’ cries. The girls walked deeper into the forest. Somewhere in the distance, a wild animal howled. “Hey, Maddy,” Veronica said, her hands full of firewood. “Which way is camp?” “Umm … right over … there?” She pointed uncertainly. Every direction looked exactly the same. She listened for the rush of the waterfall, but heard only more howls, now closer than before. “It has to be somewhere,” she said. “We didn’t go that far, did we?” She peered through the trunks for any movement, any light, any sign of the campsite at all. “There!” she shouted. “The light! That’s it!”