Dragon Con Khan Report The Eso Network

The 2019 Dragon Con Khan Report Episode 7



The penultimate podcast for Dragon Con 2019! Mike and Mike report the latest news and announcements, including the Sheraton situation and other hotel information. Plus, a Track Directors Roundtable featuring Renee Cooper (Animation Track), Caro Mccully Tidwell (BritTrack), Beau Brown (Puppetry Track), Derek Colanduno (Skeptics Track), and Charles McFall (Digital Media Track). All this, along with Newbies Tips from Michael Falkner and Kevin Bachelder. No, the official app is not available yet, but we are your next best thing! We want to hear from you! Share with us your favorite Dragon Tale and let us know what you are looking […] The post The 2019 Dragon Con Khan Report Episode 7 appeared first on The ESO Network.