Beats, Rye & Types

Episode 28: Stickin' it to The Man with Aaron Patterson



After a little hiatus we catch up with good friend and other Aaron, Aaron Patterson. We talk about Aaron’s full time work on in Open Source (Ruby and Rails), making salami, how his cats are great ice-breakers, and how he applies the punk ethos to every day life. Editors Note: Even with his fancy new mic, unfortunately, there were some problems with Aaron’s recording. I did my best to salvage and clean but we had to cut a pretty significant section out around 21:00. I also had to leave in a little piece of damaged audio just to have the conversation make any sense. Links, etc Music: Unkown Mortal Orchestra “Multi-love”, Chosen by Aaron Patterson. Spotify Our Special Guest: Aaron Patterson aka @tenderlove KEXP Top Charts @tenderlove on github Ruby on Rails Core Team Ruby core team Why the lucky stiff’s poingnant guide to ruby phuby on phails Ruby Kaigi 2009 Gorbypuff Leonard Chin