Beats, Rye & Types

Episode 47: Activism and Technology with Idalin Bobé



Idalin is someone we’ve been trying for a while now to get on the show and talk to. Her talk at StrangeLoop this past Fall has been on our minds and a topic of conversation since. Her work in community building and outreach through technology is inspiring but her strong voice and perspective is something we feel like our community of technologists needs. We got to talk about her feelings on the tech community in general, her roots in activism and tech, and more. There was a little technical difficulty with this episode so please excuse AQ doing his shitty Ira Glass impression. Links, etc Music: Beyoncé “Formation”, Chosen by Idalin. Our Special Guest: Idalin Bobé Black Capitalism (Wikipedia) ThoughtWorks Idalin’s talk at StrangeLoop