Uncensored Sales With Ryann Dowdy

Interview - Sara Clark Williams



Founder and CEO of Fab Fempreneurs, Sara Clark-Williams took the leap from her corporate job as an Organizational Development Consultant in 2008, growing two highly profitable businesses within 5 years. Through her Fab 4 Formula℠, annual Fab Fempreneur Fest conference, and her “roll-up-your-sleeves” coaching style, Sara specializes in leading female entrepreneurs to make more money, make a bigger impact, and have more fun- that place she calls your “Sweet Spot”.  When she is not doing business, you will find her hiking local trails, training for half marathons, supporting animal welfare organizations, sipping scotch, or finding the best burgers in San Diego, with her husband Chris. Links: Fab Fempreneur Fest 2019: www.FabFempreneurs.com/fest Take the Fab 4 Sweet Spot Assessment: https://fabfempreneurs.com/fab-4-sweet-spot-assessment/ Join our Fab Fempreneurs Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/FabFempreneurs/ Facebook and Twitter: @FabFempreneurs