Sherry Trentini & The Life Reclamation Society

Letting Go of My Past to Get Clear on my Future



I saw a lot of social media posts at the start of 2019 referring to 2018 as being a tough one.  I would concur. 2017 was wrapping up on a very high note, yet my intuition kept telling me that something about this was off for me.  I couldn't shake it.   So I took a step back, despite how others may feel.   When a not so awesome event dredges up old stuff from your life its also not awesome but not uncommon; but when a positive event acts like a tripwire I knew it was time to clean things up. 2018 was a year of letting go of stuff I had been packing around for a lifetime.  The emotional baggage I had a strong emotional tether attached to needed my attention, the time was ripe.  Coupled with the fact that I had a milestone birthday in December 2018, I knew it was stuff that was not serving me and I didn't want to bring it forward into my new decade. Sometimes dealing with past stuff is akin to cleaning your oven racks.  Lots of hard work, time, scrubbing and getting the