Energy Guru

Letting Go. Period.



This episode introduces the steps of letting go: acknowledging, accepting, forgiving, and healthily moving forward.  Is your career hindering your growth or not getting you closer to your dream job that will allow you to live out your purpose? Is your intimate relationship not leaving you feeling fulfilled? Are you holding on to your past? Are your eating or drinking habits unhealthy? Do you find yourself in negative or chaotic environments? Are your thoughts lowering your self-esteem or diminishing your worth? When you can recognize what you need to let go of, you can start to align with living a healthier lifestyle and attract the meaningful relationships, careers, and habits into your life. Letting go only provides room for the right blessings to cross paths with you.    Important links: Follow me on the 'Gram: @marrjennings Learn more about me: Energy Guru the book: