This Week Online Today With Ahmed Khalifa

Episode #55 - Google Giveth & Taketh Away Your Meta Description



Welcome to episode 55 of This Week Online Today, where I will be talking to you about the big online news that has been happening this week today to make sure that you are ahead of the game when it comes to running your online brand successfully. And if you have already subscribed to the newsletter, you will also receive an exclusive bonus tip of the week to help you further about this topic. If you haven't, don't miss out and make sure you subscribe to the newsletter to stay ahead of your competition. In this episode of This Week Online Today, I talk about the following: Google quietly reducing the meta description length Google's ambigious advice on what you should do The Twitter storm by other SEOs regarding this topic What are your options and what you should do with the new meta description rules Shownotes and transcripts are available here and you can also receive a bonus tip of the week in relations to this episode by subscribing to the newsletter here where you can also subscribe to the n