This Week Online Today With Ahmed Khalifa

Episode #57 - Yoast SEO 7.0 Bug is a Mistake. So Why All the Negative Reaction & Where is the Appreciation?



Welcome to episode 57 of This Week Online Today, where I will be talking to you about the big online news that has been happening this week today to make sure that you are ahead of the game when it comes to running your online brand successfully. And if you have already subscribed to the newsletter, you will also receive an exclusive bonus tip of the week to help you further about this topic. If you haven't, don't miss out and make sure you subscribe to the newsletter to stay ahead of your competition. In this episode of This Week Online Today, I talk about the following: the bug within the popular Yoast SEO plugin and how it can affect you the company's regret, apology and what you should do about it the Twitter-storm between Yoast and Search Engine Journal about the latter's article the negative reaction and attention it caused why we should appreciate the effort of anyone who has created free tools that has helped to make our lives easier For the shownotes and transcripts, as well as the op