Braze For Impact

Episode 16: Emerging Channels



Our very own Kevin Wang, VP of Product, sat down with me in our San Francisco office to discuss some of the recent SaaS IPOs (Zoom, Slack, PagerDuty) as well as the latest emerging channels and what the future may hold.       TRANSCRIPT: [0:00:17] PJ Bruno: Hey again. Welcome back to Braze for impact your MarTech Industry Discuss Digest. I have with me a very good friend today. Kevin Wang or Kevin Wang. Both are correct?   [0:00:28] Kevin Wang: Both are correct enough. I like it pronounced right, but I also like it spelled right and so we can go with either.   [0:00:35] PJ Bruno: That's W-A-N-G for all you listening. This is Kevin Wang on Kevin Wang, VP of product at Braze. I'm so glad we finally got to do this man. This has been a long time coming.   [0:00:43] Kevin Wang: I know, I know it. Really excited to be here.   [0:00:45] PJ Bruno: Well, we're kind of coming off MAU. Both of us are a little bit tired, but we needed to get ourselves together for this. The communications episode, some sass IPOs that wen