Dnxdigital Nomads Podcast With Silvia Christmann

Shane Heath: F@#$ coffee, seriously. Why you really don't need it!



In this episode Silvia talks to Shane Heath about his way to clear up the belief system, that coffee is part of our hustle mode. He founded MUD\WTR™, witch is a coffee alternative consisting of organic ingredients lauded by cultures old and young for their health and performance benefits. With 1/7th the caffeine of coffee, mud gives you natural energy, focus and more without the jitters and crash. Shownotes:  Connect with Shane:   Check out his website https://mudwtr.com/ Catch him on IG https://www.instagram.com/drinkmudwtr/ Connect with Silvia:   Follow her on Instagram and Twitter  Visit her website   Connect with DNX:  Get your DNX guide "7 secrets to success … NOW! We reveal our secrets for a successful location-independent lifestyle and show you how to gain personal and financial freedom [www.dnxnews.com]  Join our free DNX Facebook Community with thousands of likeminded Digital Nomads and lifehackers [www.dnxcommunity.com]