Artisan Angela - Lessons On Self Coaching

Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 030, Steadfast



According to Google, Steadfast is resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering.We are steadfast in planning a trip right? We choose a destination and make a decision on when we are going. Then we are steadfast in building that trip. We buy airfare, book hotels, reserve rental cars, plan excursions, look up restaurants we want to visit, read reviews. We decide, commit to going and along the way we don’t ever doubt and say what if we can’t go, what if our vacation doesn’t work, what if we don’t have fun.. right? We plan it as if the only outcome is us on a white sand beach.This week I dig into how to be steadfast in your pursuit to stop over-drinking and to lose weight.Book your 30-minute consultation by clicking HERE.