Fish Out Of Agua With Michele Carlo

Ep. 43: “Fish Out Of Agua with Michele Carlo”—feat. Ilsa Jule



The "Bring on Da Funk" episode, where super story human Ilsa Jule tawks about the "old school" EV, the "new school" of storytelling and how to be true to your authentic self (without starving to death). With tunes from the #OhioPlayers, #ChakaKhan, #JoyceSims and #RoseRoyce, and shout-outs to Barbara Aliprantis, Nicole Ferraro and Jeff Rose of the New York STORY Exchange! #artistsweknow #genderqueerartists #nycartists #livingartists #supportlivingartists #whywemakeart #whywematter #2017 #IlsaJule #TheNewYorkStoryExchange #storytelling #RadioFreeBrooklyn #fishoutofagua #MicheleCarlo