Fish Out Of Agua With Michele Carlo

Ep. 50A: “Fish Out Of Agua with Michele Carlo”—feat. Gastor Almonte



A special encore holiday broadcast from Season 1 of “Fish Out Of Agua with Michele Carlo”—feat. standup storyteller Gastor Almonte—along with a couple of stories from the book. I call this the “What was meant for our harm turned out to be okay” episode. Featuring tunes from #XTC, #TheClash, #TimmyThomas, #TheSmiths and #ArethaFranklin, and shout-outs to people I don't remember because I put this together way past my sleepy time and forgot to write them down. So listen in 'cause of one them might be YOU :) #artistsofcolor #artistsIknow #NYCartists #livingartists #supportlivingartists