Fish Out Of Agua With Michele Carlo

Ep. 87: “Fish Out Of Agua with Michele Carlo”—feat. Eliza Cossio



It’s the “Don’'t Have a Plan B” episode—feat. writer/comedian/ filmmaker Eliza Cossio tawkin’ about the importance of not losing the language of your culture, how improv became her “gateway drug,” and why you can never really go home again. With tunes from #StevieNicks, #BobSeger and #BobDylan, and shoutouts to #TrishNelson and the #BGLadyComicsgroup, #UCBComedy, #Caveat, #JenaFriedman and #WyattCenac’s #ProblemAreas. #artistsIknow #latinxartists #womenartists #livingartists #supportlivingartists