Jon Hansen (pi Window On The World)

The Global Procurement Awards



Procurement is a cornerstone of a sound supply chain and overall business strategy. Procurify recognizes the importance of innovation and excellence in the profession and is committed to rewarding those organizations and individuals showing leadership and dedication to driving it forward, impacting their teams, organizations, communities and the world at large. Today we talk with Procurify's John Rugamas about this new program. In the introduction to the Global procurement awards, reference is made to recognizing "the importance of innovation and excellence in the profession and is committed to rewarding those organizations and individuals showing leadership and dedication to driving it forward, impacting their teams, organizations, communities and the world at large." I would like to talk about each one of these elements individually. 1, Driving it forward . . . it seems like a fairly straight forward concept, but what does driving it forward actually mean and, how has the premise evolved over the years i