Jon Hansen (pi Window On The World)

Procurious Big Ideas Summit: Transforming Procurement The IBM Way



The Procurious Big Ideas Summit that is scheduled to take place on September 28th in Chicago promises to bring across the pond the same energy and insights as last years event in the UK. To do this, the organizers have lined up an impressive array of speakers, one of whom will be joining me today. Over the next 30-minutes, I will be talking with IBM Vice President of Global Procurement Graham Wright, and we will be focusing on the following discussion points; 1. In your Procurious Big Ideas Summit, you will be talking about transformation being the "new norm" as organizations look for ways to respond to an "onslaught of shocks."  Right off the bat, to what shocks are you referring and, what future shocks can we expect? 2. You will also be talking about a "best-practice" approach or way to transform the procurement function. However, there is a difference between being aware and prepared, and taking meaningful action. How do you move companies from a state of inertia in the face of acknowledged risk and mo