Europa Terra Nostra Podcast

1. Together for a European future



In this first episode of the European Terra Nostra Podcast, the host Magnus discusses the latest events and articles from the foundation, as well as the upcoming conferences this fall, together with the chairman Dan Eriksson. IN THIS EPISODE - What is the Europa Terra Nostra? - Why this podcast? - Eriksson spoke at the Identitarian Ideas conference in Stockholm, what was it all about? - European cooperation and the future of European nationalism - Why the Fertility day in Italy misses the point and what we need isn't necessarily new laws - How nationalists can be the voice of the unborn - The referendum in Hungary and the reactions from the European establishment - The upcoming events from Europa Terra Nostra and Alliance for Peace and Freedom The next episode of the Europa Terra Nostra Podcast will be published on Friday, October 14. You can subscribe to our podcast on Soundcloud, and soon also on iTunes and other podcast directories. Please sign up for our newsletter on https:/