Omnipresence Media

Suga Ray sits down with Vickens Moscova on Trendsetter Talk Radio



Lashawn Marston, aka Ray Ray or "Suga Ray", as most know him, was Born in Queens, NY on March 14th, 1984, to 22yr old Kim Marston and 55yr old Rev. Leroy Evans Sr. Growing up in Queensbridge and South Jamaica during the early-late 90's, "The Heart Of The Crack Era", Suga Ray saw a lot and eventually became heavily involved in the street life! Suga Ray always had a way with words and a charming personality to match. Not to mention he was talented, and had a deep passion for acting! But like many talented people who don't pursue their dreams, they become bored and things began to spiral out of control. His thought process changed. His heart began to show. He loved people. He loved meeting them, laughing with them and just getting to know them! He started writing again. Letters to friends. Poems. Stories. Everything! People fell in love with the way Ray used words, in speech or in print. During the summer of 2008 Suga Ray had saw more money than ever before in his life! He was chillin. But he kept seeing the