Nostalgia Wax

Episode 31 - Is It Too Late to Apologize?



In our podcast return, he humbly beg for your forgiveness. Life moves pretty fast, if you don't stop to look around once in a while, that bitch punches you right in your baby makin' parts. Frank and Josh go back and say they're sorry for a myriad of reasons, most of which, unfortunately feature bodily fluids. One thing to take note of, we're no longer editing the podcast. That means the curse words won't be edited out, so if you're listening with little one's in the car your a terrible parent. We try to police ourselves as much as possible, so it's not Goodfellas, but it sure as shit ain't Sesame Street. Thanks for listening! Please SUBSCRIBE and RATE us on iTunes.   Follow us on Twitter @Nostalgia_Wax   Like or Rate us on Facebook @thenostalgiawax