Real Estate Investment With Colin Murphy

Torcana Podcast 35: How to Overcome Big Risks & Fears When Investing



Torcana Podcast 35: How to Overcome Big Risks & Fears When Investing Host Colin Murphy is back in the podcast booth after a summer hiatus to talk about the fascinating topic of risk and how important it is to accept it and to have a healthy appetite and respect for it. The risk or more accurately the fear of risk is the reason a lot of people don't invest in real estate or stop investing at the first sign of trouble. We often trip over ourselves when it comes to investing because of the way we subconsciously think about losses and gains. Our brains are hardwired by millions of years of evolution to be more afraid of losing than afraid of missing out on a gain. It is an instinct that helped our ancestors protect today's food rather than risk it for more food tomorrow. When people were hunter-gatherers who lived on the edge of survival every single day, that was a very helpful instinct to have and for the majority of our existence as a species, it served us well and didn't disappear just because we had agri