Mike T Property Secret's Podcast

Episode 8: Maralyn Young/ Treating People Right; The Way To a successful Business



[00:00:24] Good Day Guys! This is Mike T from Mike T Real Estate. Welcome to the show again, today I've got a special guest her name is Maralyn Young and she's a very successful businesswoman in Illawara region. And how are you Maralyn? 00:00:40] Maralyn: Hi Mike, I'm very well Thank you! [00:00:42] Mike T: Yes it's beautiful day. Spring has come really nice this month [00:00:49] Mike T: I wanted to start off Maralyn to ask you what is it that you do in your business and how do you help people? [00:00:57] Maralyn:  My business is a specialist profiting and post mastectomy business so I specialize in helping women post-surgery after breast cancer and also all women of all sizes and shapes, we are just bra specialists.  [00:01:17] Mike T: Okay fantastic! Now on my show Mike T Pro