Virtually Speaking

Gaius Publius and Rep. Keith Ellison: Five Questions



While attending the 2014 Netroots Nation conference, Gaius Publius — contributing writer at AmericaBlog and member of the Virtually Speaking Sunday media panel — conducted three interviews under the heading "Five Questions." This year he spoke with House Democrat Keith Ellison, co-leader of the Congressional Progressive Caucus; economist Dr. Stephanie Kelton of the MMT school of economics; and Democratic strategist and activist Robert Cruickshank. In this podcast, Gaius talks with Rep. Ellison about — • Ellisons's view of the so-called "budget for burnable carbon" and the looming climate crisis • How progressives can "win" if Clinton is the nominee in 2016 • What his Muslim faith means to Ellison, a former Catholic Gauis first published this series of conversations at AmericaBlog.