Women Camp

Get Ready to Launch: GO - Resilience



“Rare,is the champion who has never known defeat. Instead, a true champion overcomes setbacks and defeat with greater drive to succeed.” - George Frazier We have all started something and stopped before reaching our goal, a diet, learning a new skill, a DYI project, etc., we start but allowed something to distract us and eventually we stopped before reaching our goal.  No one ever sees success by quitting before reaching her goal. Today, we break out of failure; today, we explode the norm; today, we become resilient! A few months ago the Women’s CAMP team hosted a series, we called “Spring Forward Fearlessly ”.  In the series, we coined the phrase Bounce Back Power (BBP).  Resilience is just that. The ability to remain focused on a goal and overcome setback, defeat, disappointment and rejection with BBP. Our opening quote gives us the vision of a champion raising her hand in victory because she was resilient, overcoming every adversity and challenge, to achieve her goal—“being the best!” Ladies, you are resi