Telling Tales

Write On! Keith



Keith shares what it's like to live and write with anxiety and depression. Listen and get to know how others can be allies to him and those like him.  Mental Health Connecticut (MHC) is helping emerging writers find their voice and write their truth. MHC works with young adult writers, ages 18-29, who are diagnosed with a mental health condition and/or substance use disorder (or who have experienced trauma and live with mental health and/or substance use challenges), and who want to become powerful storytellers and self-advocates. Participants will advance their writing skills, learn how to use writing as a healing mechanism, and educate the community on the realities of living with trauma and/or a mental health diagnosis. Writers also work with the award-winning team at Sea Tea Improv to gain confidence and improve public speaking skills.  The following story is told by Keith, a writer and mental health advocate from MHC's Write On! program. This story is raw, personal, and may contain language not