Shooting From The Hip Wrestling

Shooting From The Hip Wrestling #302



Original Air Date - Sunday March 4th, 2018 On this week shows the guys talk Elimination Chamber, the booking of the two Chamber matches, was Brock not being at Raw a story line, is the Beast worth Show Off money?, will we see Bobby Lashley in WWE soon, possible Neville update, if All In works why doesn't Ring Of Honor go all in, how many men will challenge the Miz at Mania, IMPACT Vs. Lucha Underground, dream match at Strong Style Evolved, Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal, possible first ever non title non gimmick women's match at WrestleMania 34, will we see Cena against the Undertaker, is Cena Vs. Rey Mysterio a dream match?, FOX Networks possibly the new home of WWE, and more.