Barcode Collective Podcast

Episode 032: It's Impossible To Optimize Your Health If You're Skipping The Basics w/ Dan Murray-Serter



  Dan Murray-Serter is the host of a very popular Podcast out of Europe called Secret Leaders where he interviews some of the most successful business owners and high performing CEOs doing their thing today.  Dan, an entrepreneur himself, is currently Co-Founder of Dawn. Dawn's goal is to "enable their community to achieve 1 million meaningful goals" and they intend on doing that through helping people optimize their brains through nutrition and information. Head over to Dawn and check them out. They're digging through the research and curating an amazing newsletter that they send straight to your inbox. Thanks to their hard work you can take in a wealth of knowledge and information in just a few short minutes every week and before you know it you'll be well on your way to reaching your human potential! Download: the Bar C.O.D.E Collective App (APPLE) (Android) to track your steps and join our community! Monthly Movement Challenges to win awesome prizes!  Follow: Dan Murray-Serter: @danmurrayserter