Morelia Pythons Radio

The constrictor ban.



In this episode we are discussing the recent addition of reticulated pythons and green anacondas to the Lacey Act. As many of you know the US fish and wildlife just finalized the "constrictor rule" which bans the sale and movement of burmese pythons, indian pythons, green and yellow anaconda, african rock pythons, and reticulated pythons across state lines and added them to the lacey act. We have been told the next step in reversing this ruling is to sue the government. USARK needs all the help and support it can get at this time. We will also be unveiling of the new carpet fest T shirt. MPR has chosen them once again to be the recipients of the funds raised by both t shirt sales and auction this year. So everyone grab a really cool shirt show love and support for both MPR and USARK.