Trucking With Authority

TWA 003 : Right Now is the Right Time to Get Your Own Authority



Kenny Long, from the AudioRoad Network, emphasizes that there’s nothing to be afraid of when starting your authority. There’s nothing that’s too complicated, or too hard to understand. Every one of us can do the paperwork, audits and record keeping to satisfy the FMCSA and have your own authority. There is no time like the present to really take the leap and become your own authority. It’s the best time in a long time— rates are good, but you have to be in a good position to dispatch yourself to take advantage of those.  We take your calls and talk about the different things you should learn and know, whether you’re a company driver, leased to a carrier, or have your own authority. We want you to discover what is best for your business and your success! Take the step, and truck with your own authority.