Trucking With Authority

TWA 011 : Confidently Move Into the Realm of the Unknown



Kenny Long, from the AudioRoad Network, has a special show tonight. There’s a lot of questions about the basics of getting started and what it takes, but today we're addressing them! It's all about Truck Dispatch and Negotiations 101! If you've been a company driver or leased to a carrier, chances are you've had a dispatcher or load planner helping you. Now that you have your own authority, that job is yours! Many times there is someone at home that will try to fill that role, even if they are unfamiiar with the industry. We'll cover the very basics of how to dispatch a truck and negotiate a load. This episode will also benefit a spouse, significant other, or family member that may support you in your new venture. We also have a special guest with us tonight, Elizabeth Long! She talks about how to dispatch, how to know how to transition into the realm of the unknown, and even the terminology you’ll need to know once you have your own authority. We want you to discover what is best for your business and your