Dr. Carol Francis

BrainTap and AbuseTraumaRecovery.com and Inventor, Hypnotherapist Patrick Porter



Dr. Patrick Porter discusses with Dr. Carol Francis amazing brain tapping tools that address stress, anxiety, depression, flashbacks, crowded thoughts, nightmares, and many PTSD symptoms that survivors of abuse and trauma need to work through.  His invention of BrainTap Headset and the Braintapping materials use neurological processes that are associated with auditory and visual portions of the brain. Dr. Carol Francis, creator of the online Program and Course AbuseTraumaRecovery.com dovetails with BrainTap Headset Gear and Braintapping binaural research and technology to further ease the recovery process. See Braintap.com  "Braintap turns your brainwaves into a symphony."  Great for stress, trauma recovery work, abuse recovery work, and a multitude of positive self-care and self-improvement outcomes. "Braintapping is a quick and easy way to relax, reboot and revitalize by simply optimizing your brain’s peak potential—anytime, anywhere. Backed by neuroscience and research, braintapping is proven to help peop