
Sovereign Grace: A God Who Relents (Jonah 3)



Last week was tough for many of us. Realizing the reality of God's sovereign control over wind and waves, over death and life, over sickness and health can be humbling and discouraging when you're in the thick of it. But, truth be told, there is no better backdrop to feel the sheer weight of His unmerited favor like that of His sovereign control of all things... things we'd consider good, and not so much. He loves to show mercy. He is long-suffering. He is patient. He desires that all should come to repentance, should live and enjoy Him. These are all super good things... all a part of His sovereign plan. None of us want what we deserve. All of us need what we could never deserve: the Lord! This isn't just a lesson for Jonah; it's one for all of us. May we, with Paul, affirm that "God causes all things to work together for good to those that love Him and are called according to His purpose." –Romans 8.28