Sylvia Global

Saving Every Woman From Poverty-$5 for 5-Lindholm



Sylvia Global meets with Deborah LIndholhm before she leaves for Liberia.  Today we kick-off the Foundation for Women's $5 for 5 campaign:$5 for 5: 5 women create a microcredit group – 5 women together create 5 businesses – 5+ children go to school – $5 changes the statistics of poverty – $5 redefines philanthropy – be a philanthropist by giving $5! – in just 5 seconds! GOAL:  200,000 people join this campaign in 60 days – we can eliminate poverty together! 5 Steps:  In the USA:  On your cell phone, create a new text to number 52000.   Enter keyword WOMEN (not case sensitive) as the message.   Press send (your gift will be billed to mobile account)   Outside the US or no text capability, follow this link   Ask 5 – or 50 – or 500 friends to do this! Women Together = Miracles!  Thank you!