Sylvia Global

Holistic Petcare w/ Dr. O: Disk Disease & The Incredible Sparkie



Barbara adopted Sparkie in the summer of 2006 he was two-and-a-half years old. He is an active Dachshund that loves to swim and especially loves to dive into the pool from the edge to retrieve his ball. In early 2010 Barbara contacted Dr. O because Sparkie had hurt his back playing and I didn't want to just put him on drugs. Barbara had heard of Dr.O from another family for whose dachshund Dr. O had worked wonders.  Dr.O acessed Sparkie using acupuncture, laser and massage. She then put him on a regimen of holistic medication and crate rest. Within days he had improved and we set up regular visits to keep on top of his back pain. We continued to see Dr. O in 2011 nad 2012. Sparkie had a hemilaminectomy on July 10, 2013 and today is running, playing and swimming again. Barbara says that if not for the team effort made by Dr. O'Sullivan, Dr. Roberson and Dr. Geels and the entire staff of the LVVSC this would not be possible. .