Mom Biz Solutions With Lara Galloway, The Mom Biz Coach

WoMEN: What Mom Entrepreneurs Need Teleseminar Series by Mom Biz Coach Lara Galloway



Our focus for the month of January is all about WOMEN + POWER! I'm delighted to announce that Marlynn Schotland, mompreneur extraordinaire and chief of The Power MOB (Mom-Owned Businesses) is my guest for the debut of the 2011 WoMEN Teleseminar Series. What makes a woman powerful? How can she be powerful running her home AND her business? How do we define power? How do we give our power away? We'll answer these questions and more on today's teleseminar. Join in the chat on my Facebook Page: and sign up to get exclusive GIVEAWAYS from me and my guests at We look forward to your questions! Running a business while raising a family can be an extremely rewarding path for many moms. To do so successfully is a reality for some, and a challenging goal for many of us. With this in mind, I’ve put together the WoMEN: What Mom Entrepreneurs Need Teleseminar Series. My purpose is to get you the expert advice of moms in business who’ve “been there, done t