Mom Biz Solutions With Lara Galloway, The Mom Biz Coach

How to Stop Procrastinating-Mom Biz Solutions Show



We all do it. There's that big to-do on our list that never seems to get done. And we think about it, worry about it, think some more, and waste tons of energy not getting it done. Why deal with the added stress? Why not just do it? Today I'll share some thoughts about why we procrastinate and some coaching on how you can knock it off and get things done! Join Lara Galloway, The Mom Biz Coach, on Wednesdays at 9:30 am ET as she shares mothering tips, business strategies, and the joys and chaos of being a mom entrepreneur. If you could use a little inspiration, or a guide from someone who's "been there, done that," or if you just want to hear a mom who has learned to laugh off her mistakes and accept her life as perfect (just the way it is), you'll want to tune in every week.