Acting Inspired

The Wonderful World of Cai Brigden...



I chat to my buddy Cai about a trip he going on to China, where he will be learning a Martial Art in the Mountains! I love Cai's ideas and adventurous nature and the kind of things he gets up to are quite frankly AWESOME!  He has had a whirlwind of a journey since leaving Drama School, with all kinds of ups and downs like the rest of us. But the way he deals with the downs fascinates and inspires me to take more notice of my inner child.  He has a great attitude and the warmest personality and I hope he inspires you as much as he does me everyday!  Subscribe to "The Life of Jord" on youtube to follow him and his best mate Jordan as they travel up to the Mountains in China to learn Jiu Jitsu for six weeks!  ENJOY!