Acting Inspired

Michael McCaffrey.



This week is a little different as we have Michael McCaffrey joining us to talk about the benefits of meditation. How it came to his attention and how it can be useful for actors or any creatively minded folk.  I met Michael at The London Buddhist Vihara in Chiswick after Kae attended one of his many meditation retreats in Buckinghamshire.  Michael has a great approach to meditation and Buddhism in that he see's past all of the, quite often, intimidating "window dressing" and mines the most useful aspects that help us find peace of mind and give insight. As you will hear its not an easy thing to discuss the point of and maybe the point is that its pointless... Yeah, get that round your head! I very much enjoyed chatting with Michael and he was also kind enough to record a guided meditation for us, which I will release at the same time as this so as you can use it at any time you like!  Check out the goings on in Michael's world at where you will find info about his retreats and