Acting Inspired

Quit hittin yourself!



Big love to all my buddies, budesses and everything in between. Thank you for reaching out to me when I was struggling. One great ingredient for happiness is good mates! We all have em, let them help you up when you're down.  Anyway! So im out of this trance and usually what i would be doing now is whipping myself across the back calling myself an idiot for making a mountian out of a molehill and I could easily do that right now, however i will not! I will learn from my experience and carry on. The main thing I think I have to do right now is to make adjustments as to how I deal with my lessons and what I take from them. Ive learned alot of lessons in life but only acted on a few of them and actually made changes. So 2018 and the New Year is a good excuse to evaluate and meditate on 2017 and see what I can learn and adjust.  Kaes back, the floor is done and spirits are high!  I hope the same goes for your Kae's, floors and spirits. BIG MASSIVE LOVE!!! ENJOY!