Searching For Clair Huxtable

When She’s Not into Him



When a woman is right for a man, there isn’t a list long enough or words strong enough to explain all the things he loves her or how he truly feels. We all know that men are (mostly) visual creatures so we have to consider the effort, time and investment that’s been made before he reaches the conclusion that she’s “Mrs. Right”. Good or bad, every relationship has a starting point. So what happens when a woman is unreceptive to a man’s advances? When she’s just not into him? Is it deceptive to date a man if you know he likes you more than you like him? Would this be considered leading him on if you continue to go out with him and not make him aware? At what point does your this become an ethical decision and speak one’s integrity and principles outside of dating? [Whew] That’s a lot of questions! But believe it or not, we’re just scratching the surface. Based on some of the stories we’ve heard and others we’ve read on social media about gu [...]