Green Bean Podcast




Rick Scott is under attack again here on the Green Bean Podcast. Did you see how he replaced one developer with another to serve as commissioner for Florida Fish and Wildlife? He will have 5 years to exercise the "...regulatory and executive powers of the state with respect to wild animal life and fresh water aquatic life and shall also exercise regulatory and executive powers of the state with respect to marine life, except that all license fees and penalties for violating regulations shall be as provided by law." We feel good about this decision because developers and real-estate investors are most equipped to ensure a balance between our economy and eco-system. Scott also likes to use tax-payer money to settle his lawsuits. The state of Florida just recently paid $700,000 after Scott was sued for deliberately blocking and delaying access to public records. Basically he created a bogus email to hide communications about government business. We Periscoped the first-half of our podcast so if you would ever