Seika Network

Violet Reiki Radio - Reiki and Caregivers



The Caregiver   When a loved one becomes chronically or terminally ill, it is the primary caregiver that often becomes the silent sufferer,  experiencing a sense of exhaustion,  frustration, hopelessness and despair and what has been called "caregiver burn-out".     What IF there was a way to give a caregiver the ability to provide Reiki for themselves and their sick, injured  or dying loved one?  It has been documented that Reiki can provide emotional and mental calm, stress reduction, and physical comfort (pain reduction).    Reiki can therefor support both the primary caregivers who care for their loved one and the chronically or terminally ill patient.  Having the ability to give Reiki to those who are chronically or terminally ill can empower the caregiver and relieve them of the feeling of helplessness which can be very common in such situations.  Show sponsored by Violet Rose Reiki at  and