Seika Network

Dynamic Dojo Talkradio: Open forum-"When does martial discipline become 'abuse'?



 Join us sunday May 17th at 6 pm pacific time as we discuss a touchy subject..."when does discipline in the martial arts turn into abuse'? Its a difficult subject to pin down,because context changes the meaning between 'discipline' and 'abuse'. As martial artists we know of the 'pushup consequence'....act innapropriately or disregard a rule, and a teacher would sometimes drop a student for 10 or 20 pushups as a 'wakeup call'....but if the teacher singles out a student for pushups, publicly berates them for the tiniest of infractions, or even withholds rank promotion for unspecified reasons or reasons that have no merit, that is considered abuse.  Many people call it "old school", but where is the line drawn between 'old school' and emotional/mental/physical abuse? Let's hear your thoughts, give us a call at (347) 677-0699