Seika Network

Violet ReikiRadio - Guest Tiffany Schneider Hunter, PhD. of Healing For People



Tiffany Schneider Hunter, PhD,  Clinic Director  / Co-founder Tiffany’s attentive and curious approach to healing coupled with her commitment to grow in her professional and personal life, makes her a healer that is easy to talk to, work with, and confide in. She is a natural nurturer and does everything she can to learn about and support her clients. She is also a natural teacher and has a great laugh, which makes it easy to receive information and healing from her while having fun and feeling cared for. Tiffany has been studying healing and energy for over 27 years and approaches the subject with a playful curiosity. Through her deep understanding and use of many energy healing vibrations and frequencies, she helps clients get out of pain, reverse damage done to the body through illness and injury, and free themselves of debilitating symptoms that limit the scope and enjoyment of their lives. Tiffany has a PhD in research psychology from the University College at University of London, based at the Anna F